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Services we provide

We provide a range of services to accommodate people of all ages, giving patients the best treatment to suit their needs.

See below for more information.

Early Interceptive Treatment for kids

Early Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment

In most cases, orthodontic treatment is best left until all the adult (permanent) teeth have erupted. However, there are situations where early orthodontic treatment may minimise or prevent certain problems from developing.

It is recommended for growing children to have an orthodontic examination when adult (permanent) teeth begin to appear, (age 7-8) so that their orthodontic needs can be assessed, and advised if any early interceptive orthodontic treatment is required.

Metal Braces - 3M Victory Series

Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is usually commenced after all the baby (deciduous) teeth are lost. The most popular time for starting comprehensive treatment is Year 7 or Year 8 at high school.

Braces are the most common and most efficient method of straightening teeth. There are many different types, from the traditional stainless steel braces (metal braces with colours, which can be changed as you wish); to ceramic (tooth coloured) braces which show less metal, for the more discreet look.

Other options are available for straightening teeth, such as braces fixed on the inside surfaces of the teeth, called lingual braces (IncognitoTM), and customised clear plastic plates called aligners.

Visit these links for more information on types of braces, IncognitoTM and aligner systems.

Lingual braces - Incognito

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

You can have orthodontic treatment performed at any time! So if you have missed the opportunity to have your teeth straightened in the past, it is still not too late!

Some orthodontic problems can only be addressed once growth has finished. Particularly difficult jaw problems may include planned orthodontic treatment and surgery.

Most adults feel embarrassed about the look of braces, especially in the work environment. 3M’s IncognitoTM Hidden Braces is one of the latest orthodontic options available for straightening teeth. They are completely hidden behind your teeth, custom-made for maximum comfortability and utilises advanced digital technology to deliver the most precise and targeted result. Just Orthodontics is one of the few certified IncognitoTM providers in NSW. For more information click here, or contact us.

Aligner systems are also an option. They are clear and almost invisible, and can be a good alternative for some people that do not want to have braces.

For more information about IncognitoTM, aligner systems and other types of braces, click here.